Integration Joint Board (IJB) - 12 February 2021

1. Apologies for Absence
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minute of Previous Meeting - for approval
Minute of the meeting of the Integration Joint Board held on 16th December 2020 (PDF, 154 KB)
4. Matters Arising
Matters arising from previous meetings of the Integration Joint Board (PDF, 57 KB)
5. Chief Officer's Report
6. Budget Monitoring Report - Period 9
Report by the Chief Finance Officer detailing budget monitoring for Period 9 (PDF, 623 KB)
7. Covid-19 Financial Implications
8. Young Carers Strategy
9. Health & Care Governance Annual Assurance Update
Report by the Director of Health and Social Care providing the Board with an update on the implementation of systems and procedures (PDF, 147 KB)
Appendix 1 (PDF, 128 KB)
10. Integration Joint Board Governance
Minutues for noting
11. Performance & Audit Committee (for noting)
Minutes of the Performance & Audit Committee which took place on Tuesday 8th September 2020, which were approved at the Committee meeting on Friday 4th December 2020 (PDF, 277 KB)
12. Any Other Business
13. Date of Next Meeting
Wednesday 24th March 2021 at 2pm via MS Teams