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Strategic Planning Advisory Group (SPAG) - 23 February 2022

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1. Apologies for Absence

2. Declarations of Interest

3. Minute of Previous Meeting - for approval

Minute of the meeting of the Strategic Planning Advisory Group held on 14th December 2021 (PDF, 246 KB)(opens new window)


Items for discussion

4. Locality Planning Partnership Update

Standing item to provide the SPAG with an update from the Locality Planning Groups (PDF, 724 KB)(opens new window)

5. South Ayrshire Parenting Promise

Presentation and discussion around the South Ayrshire Parenting Promise (PDF, 216 KB)(opens new window)

Appendix 1 (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)

Appendix 2 (PDF, 176 KB)(opens new window)

Appendix 3 (PDF, 202 KB)(opens new window)

6. Workforce Pressures

Report and presentation on the significant workforce pressures facing the HSCP (PDF, 882 KB)(opens new window)

7. Learning Disability Strategy

Report providing an update on and seeking input in relation to the current position and progress of the refresh of the Learning Disability Strategy (PDF, 178 KB)(opens new window)

8. Homelessness Consultation

The SPAG will be asked for their views on the current Scottish Government consultation to place a duty on HSCPs (and other public bodies) to work to prevent homelessness (PDF, 164 KB)(opens new window)

9. National Policy Update: National Care Service and Audit Scotland Briefing

Update on policy developments at a national level, including a verbal update on anticipated Ministerial announcement on the NCS (PDF, 122 KB)(opens new window)


10. Any Other Business

11. Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday 22nd March 2022 at 2pm



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