Strategic Planning Advisory Group (SPAG) - 21 June 2022

1. Apologies for Absence
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minute of Previous Meeting - for approval
2022-04-26 - SPAG Minute (PDF, 203 KB)(opens new window)
4. Action note from previous meeting
SPAG Action Log (PDF, 71 KB)(opens new window)
Items for discussion
5. Locality Planning Partnership Update
Verbal update will be provided within the meeting
6. Ayrshire Growth Deal
Presentation will be shared within the meeting
7. Older People's Events and Engagement Panel
Verbal update will be provided within the meeting
8. Strategic Needs Assessment and Locality Profiles
SAHSCP Strategic Needs Assessment and Locality Profiles (PDF, 566 KB)(opens new window)
9. Draft Workforce Plan
Workforce Plan (PDF, 122 KB)(opens new window)
10. Strategic Advocacy Plan
Strategic Advocacy Plan (PDF, 195 KB)(opens new window)
Items for noting
11. Minutes for noting:
2022-03-04 - PAC Minute (PDF, 186 KB)(opens new window)
2022-03-10 - SA GP Locality Forum notes - DRAFT (PDF, 196 KB)(opens new window)
12. Any other business
13. Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 30th August 2022 at 2pm via MS TEAMS