Financial Support for Carers

Financial Support for Carers

You may be able to get help to increase your income if your caring duties are affecting your finances.

Carers Allowance and Carers Allowance Supplement

Apply for Carer's Allowance and find out about Carer's Allowance Supplement.

About Carer's Allowance Supplement

Young Carers Grant

The Young Carer Grant is a new yearly payment of £326.65 for young carers aged 16 to 18 who live in Scotland and have been caring for 1, 2 or 3 people for an average of 16 hours a week for at least the last 3 months.

Find more information on the Young Scot Young Carers campaign page.

Young Carers Package

Find out how to apply for the Young Carers Package and hear stories from other young people on their experience of being a carer and get loads of info on caring for someone.

Benefits Advice

Carers and their families may be entitled to benefits. South Ayrshire Carers Centre can find out and advise on what you could access and provide assistance with the forms. Staff can also assist carers to access a wide range of grants which would be of benefit to them in their caring role.

South Ayrshire Council's Information and Advice Hub offer a free, confidential and impartial information and advice service to people living in the South Ayrshire Area. Their advisors are fully trained to deal with your welfare rights and issues related to money and debt advice. To find out more call 0300 123 0900 or email

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