Performance and Audit Committee - 01 November 2022

1. Apologies for Absence
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minute of Previous Meeting
Minute of Previous Meeting - 26 August 2022 (PDF, 157 KB)(opens new window)
4. Verbal update on schedule of reporting arrangements and presenters/frequency of
5. Workforce Plan
Workforce Plan Report (PDF, 167 KB)(opens new window)
Workforce Plan - Appendix 1 (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
6. Adult and Older Peoples Service Plan update
Adult & Older People's Service Plan Update (PDF, 106 KB)(opens new window)
Adult & Older Peoples Service Plan Update - App 1 (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
7. Complaints Process
Complaints Process (PDF, 256 KB)(opens new window)
8. Social Isolation and Loneliness Strategy 2019-2027
Social Isolation & Loneliness Strategy Report (PDF, 125 KB)(opens new window)
Social Isolation & Loneliness Strategy - Appendix 1 (PDF, 270 KB)(opens new window)
Social Isolation & Loneliness Strategy - Appendix 2 (PDF, 7 MB)(opens new window)
9. Cost of Living/Fuel Cost
Cost of Living/Fuel Cost Report (PDF, 232 KB)(opens new window)
10. Records Management Plan
Records Management Plan Report (PDF, 147 KB)(opens new window)
Records Management Plan - Appendix 1 (PDF, 338 KB)(opens new window)
Date of Next Meeting