South Ayrshire first in Scotland to complete the Young Carers in Schools Challenge

South Ayrshire is leading the way in Scotland for raising awareness and offering support to young carers by completing the Young Carers Challenge, the first local authority in Scotland to do so. The challenge, set by the Carers Trust Scotland, looks to improve support for young carers throughout the education system by challenging local authorities to embed set criteria into practice.
According to the Scottish Government there are at least 30,000 young carers in Scotland, however the number of young carers recorded in schools across Scotland is just over 5000. Research carried out by Carers Trust and local young carers services has shown that 1 in 5 children in a class has caring responsibilities.
Councillor Grant, Portfolio Holder for Education said, "South Ayrshire was keen to embrace this challenge, our Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) and Education have worked closely with Carers Trust Scotland during this journey. We have a responsibility to ensure young carers are not disadvantaged due to their caring responsibilities. They provide an extremely important role in our community and deserve the support needed to get the most out of their education journey."
The challenge sees the introduction of Young Carers Champions within all school settings, training for staff on identifying young carers and formalising standards and partnerships to ensure all young carers receive the support need to thrive in education and have the same opportunities as young people who do not have caring responsibilities.
Councillor Hunter, Portfolio Holder for Health and Care Services added, "identifying and supporting young carers is a priority in South Ayrshire. The Health and Social Care Partnership is working closely with our colleagues in Education to achieve the best outcomes for all our young people. This challenge will be a key element in aiding our young carers to achieve the best education possible and I want to thank all staff and partners involved in accomplishing this successful outcome."
Lyndsay McRoberts, Director of Education & Depute Chief Executive of South Ayrshire Council said: "What a difference the support and energy put into this area has made to our children and young people across South Ayrshire. Highlighting the challenges young carers face and giving them a voice through the work the HSCP and Education have led, this has helped schools and communities provide support that is making a difference to lives."
"Young carers support is now a central part of our work in South Ayrshire to ensure we meet the needs of children and young people in an inclusive and supportive system."
A similar challenge is being run across the UK and to date South Ayrshire is the only local authority to have implemented the standards of the challenge across all primary, secondary and Additional Support Needs schools in the area.
Becky Duff, Director for Carers Trust Scotland said, "Carers Trust Scotland are delighted that South Ayrshire are the first local authority in Scotland to have all primary, secondary and Additional Support Needs schools signed up to the Young Carer in Schools Challenge, this is a real step forward for the young carers who live and learn in the area."
"The Young Carer in Schools Challenge shows schools making a commitment to improving the support young carers should receive to balance their education with caring responsibilities. Young carers regularly tell us that one of their top priorities is better recognition and support for young carers in school, and that support available shouldn't depend on where young carers live or what school they attend. A whole local authority approach to the Challenge can make a hugely positive impact to their young carers."