Intensive Family Support
What is Intensive Family Support?
The Intensive Family Support Team work with families who need a specific, targeted, and short-term intensive intervention to get back on track. The team will provide support for a set period, checking in regularly to ensure progress is monitored.
The team help families work on making positive changes that last, build capacity and strengthen family skills through:
- Enhancing family relationships.
- Supporting new routines and boundaries.
- Improving home environments.
- Enhancing parenting skills, building confidence.
- Connecting to local communities and networks.
Who we are
The Intensive Family Support team is made up of Intensive Family Support Workers, two senior Intensive Family Support workers and a Team Leader, who are all based within the Family Centre on Wills Road in Ayr.
Our Vision & Values
Our promise - we want families to be happy, healthy, and safe to live in a home together.
Our aim will be for families to feel valued and supported, be heard, and listened to feel understood, encouraged, and respected.
We will provide family support; community and mental health supports to help families build on a better future by building capacity and achieving their goals.