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Ageing Well Development Fund

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What is the Ageing Well Development Fund?

South Ayrshire HSCP has committed a £50,000 resource from its Ideas and Innovation Fund to address the following priority areas:

  1. Support innovative approaches to enable healthy and active ageing in line with the local Ageing Well Strategy, movement  and vision.
  2. Support inter-generational activity.
  3. Support Age Friendly Community working at locality and place based level.
  4. Increase accessibility to Ageing Well activity to groups that may face additional challenges.
  5. Address issues of stigma, discrimination and ageism.
  6. Support self-management and self-help among older people.
  7. Enable enhanced communication and engagement with older people.


Who can access the funding?

Funding will be open to:

  • Statutory, voluntary, community and independent sectors
  • Arts, sports, cultural, faith community and academic sectors
  • Older people's related organisations

(Community Groups need to be constituted but not necessarily have charitable status)


What do applicants need to consider?

  • The degree of fit with the Ageing Well vision and plan and the ability to address the 7 priority areas set out above.
  • Funding is not appropriate to fund core health, care (and other) services.
  • Projects should be able to measure and report on  impact including use of quantitative and qualitative data (including case studies, video reports, blogs, etc).
  • Projects that are co-produced with older people will be particularly welcome.
  • Joint (or consortium) bids  where several agencies are working together will be welcome (there may be one nominal lead agency).
  • Grants should normally be used within 12 months of being awarded -  organisations can only apply once every 6 months.
  • This will normally be a one-off grant and therefore not appropriate for long term projects needing recurrent funding (although it might fund tests of change or pilots that are set up to demonstrate potential impact in the process of developing longer term business cases).


How much can organisations apply for?

Normally grants awarded will be between £500 to £5k.


How does an organisation apply?

Organisations can submit a proposal to the contact email, submissions should set out:

  • The substance of the proposal.
  • Assessment of need and involvement of older people.
  • How the project addresses one or more of the 7 priority areas.
  • How the project contributes to the Ageing Well vision and plan.
  • The budget plan with costings.
  • Any other additional resources utilised both financial and in kind.
  • How impact will be measured.
  • We will be interested in quantitative data but also qualitative data such as case studies

Submissions should be reasonably concise and not longer than 4 main pages plus appendices such as budget / costings. The submission should also include:

  • The lead applicant person and their contact details.
  • Details of the applicant body such as the kind of organisation, charitable number if appropriate and details of publically facing information (eg websites).
  • Bank details including account name, number and sort code.

(If joint or consortium bid - details of lead organisation and the partner organisations)


Who makes a decision on funding?

An Ageing Well Development Fund sub-committee will consider submissions and make recommendations to the Ageing Well Oversight Group re funding. The sub-committee will be comprised of:

  • Ageing Well Programme Manager.
  • Ageing Well VASA officer.
  • Representative of Thriving Communities.
  • Member of HSCP Planning and Performance Team.
  • At least 2 members from Ageing Well Champion's Board.

The sub-committee will meet in-between the Ageing Well Oversight Group meetings. Members of the sub-committee and main Ageing Well Oversight Group need to notify chairs of potential conflicts of interest.


How will applications be assessed?

The applications will be evaluated in relation to the degree of the fit with the Ageing Well Strategy and Vision and the associated criteria above. The sub-committee will also consider value for money, potential duplication of existing work, potential for rolling out, involvement of older people and general practicality. They will also consider proposals for measuring impact.


How will we know if we have been awarded funding?

You will be notified as soon as possible after the final decision at the  Oversight Group.


Submissions should be sent to

Once submitted applicants will be notified of the timetable for decision making.                                 

For any further information organisations should contact the Ageing Well Programme Manager on or 07816 532279

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