Adult Carers Strategy 2019-2024
The South Ayrshire Integration Joint Board at its meeting on 16th May 2019, approved the new Adult Carers Strategy for the period 2019-2024. The Strategy was developed through discussions with carers, staff and partners including South Ayrshire Carers Centre, Crossroads and the Ayrshire Hospice.
The key strategic themes of the Strategy are:
- I am recognised and valued in my caring role
- I am supported in my caring role
- I am able to take a break from caring and look after my own health
- I am not defined by my caring role
The Strategy is available below:
Adult Carers Strategy 2019-2024 (PDF, 1 MB)
Adult Carers Strategy 2019-2024 - Appendices (PDF, 1 MB)
Carers Engagement Day Summary Report: April 2018 (PDF, 919 KB)