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Young Carer Statement

Young Carers Statement Cover
A Young Carer Statement will enable you as a young carer to express your feelings and needs and find out what impact your caring responsibilities have on your life and aims to support you in your caring role.

The Young Carer Statement is completed by having a conversation with a professional who works in health, education, social work, South Ayrshire Carers Gateway, or someone you feel comfortable talking to. It is your document in your own words and you can choose to share it with people (for example, teachers) to save retelling your story multiple times to multiple different people.

The Young Carer Statement will identify your individual outcomes and what matters to you as a person such as:

  • Details about the person you care for and support you provide;
  • The impact caring has on your health and wellbeing;
  • The nature and extent of the care provided;
  • Whether a short break is needed.

Through this discussion, we will identify any support which is needed, either for you or the person you care for, to ensure you have the same opportunities as your peers who are not caring.

Following the Young Carers Statement discussion we will let you know whether you need input or resources from South Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership.

In South Ayrshire, we have three Young Carer Statements:

Further information

Find out more about Young Carer Statements and the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 on the Young Scot website.

Read the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 - Jargon Buster for Young Carers (PDF, 3 MB)

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