Strategic Planning Advisory Group (SPAG) - 26 April 2022

1. Apologies for Absence
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minute of Previous Meeting - for approval
4. Action note from previous meeting
Action note from previous meeting (PDF, 88 KB)(opens new window)
Items for discussion
5. Locality Planning Partnership Update
6. Adult Learning Disability Strategy
7. Community Planning
Presentation providing an overview on Community Planning work in South Ayrshire will be shared within meeting
8. Scottish Government Older People's Strategy Consultation
Presentation providing an overview on the current Scottish Government consultation on the Older People's Strategy will be shared within meeting
9. Update from VASA
Verbal update on consultation events on the Scottish Government Older People's Strategy and the Wellbeing Survey and the Senior's Forum
Items for noting
10. Prevention of Homelessness Duties consultation - HSCP response
HSCP response (PDF, 285 KB)(opens new window)
11. Minutes for noting:
Performance and Audit Committee (4th March 2022) (PDF, 195 KB)(opens new window)
GP Locality Forum Minutes (10th March 2022 -DRAFT FORM) (PDF, 194 KB)(opens new window)
12. Any other business
13. Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 21st June 2022 at 2pm via MS TEAMS