Integration Joint Board (IJB) - 25 March 2020

1. Apologies for Absence
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minute of Previous Meeting
4. Matters Arising
5. COVID-19
6. Budget Report
Appendix A (PDF, 36 KB)(opens new window)
Appendix B (PDF, 18 KB)(opens new window)
Appendix C (PDF, 174 KB)(opens new window)
Appendix D (PDF, 168 KB)(opens new window)
7. Care at Home
For Information and Noting by IJB members
8. Financial Management Report as at period 10
9. SA IJB Membership
10. Delayed Discharges
Minutes for Noting as a Correct Record
11. GP Forum
Minute of the meeting held on 13 June 2019 (PDF, 137 KB)(opens new window)
12. Performance and Audit Committee
Minute of the meeting held on 19 November 2019 (PDF, 204 KB)(opens new window)
13. Any Other Business
14. Date of Next Meeting
Date to be confirmed