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Information Governance

How to obtain information from the Integration Joint Board (Health and Social Care Partnership)

The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOI) aims to increase openness and accountability by ensuring people can access information held by Scottish public authorities - including the South Ayrshire Integration Joint Board.

People have the right to access all types of recorded information and, apart from certain specific exemptions, authorities and their staff must comply with these requests. Please see the South Ayrshire Integration Joint Board Freedom of Information Disclosure Log for all previous requests made.

Every type of recorded information held by the Integration Joint Board since its formation on 1st April, 2015 is covered by the Act. Enquirers do not have to give a reason for asking for the information.

If you ask for information, the Integration Joint Board will have to provide you with that information, provided that certain conditions are fulfilled and subject only to the limitations imposed by the Act and other legislation.

Publication Scheme

The South Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership Integration Joint Board is committed to the principles of openness and transparency in the conduct of its business. It is intended that this publication scheme, prepared under Section 23 of the FOI Act, will complement the Integration Joint Board's efforts to increase public awareness of the business of the Partnership and stimulate local interest and participation in its work.

The purpose of this publication scheme is to make it easier for the public to locate and access information published by South Ayrshire Integration Joint Board. This scheme advises on the classes of information routinely available, where it can be accessed and whether or not there will be a charge for it. This is a proactive commitment to ensure that the public can access up-to-date information on subjects that are of concern or interest.

Privacy Policy

We work closely with partners to improve people's experience of services; and to give them the support they need to live safe, healthy lives in their own communities.

Whilst consent will not be required for the sharing of information between NHS Ayrshire and Arran and each of the three Ayrshire Local Authorities for the purpose of delivering integrated Health and Social Care Services, you will be informed about how your information will be collected, held and shared. This will ensure that we can deliver coordinated care that is easy to access and is focused on the best outcome for you.

In addition, we may be required to share personal data with other public bodies where required by law, for the prevention or detection of crime or the protection of children and vulnerable adults.

Any use of personal data will be in full accordance with the Data Protection Law.