Day opportunities for older people
Daytime activities for older people
Connect South Ayrshire
Connect South Ayrshire is a website packed with up-to-date information on what's happening in communities throughout South Ayrshire. There is information on local groups and activities for older people, money advice and community transport.
South Ayrshire Life has a community information centre at 1st Floor Boswell House, 10-12 Arthur St, Ayr and a freephone number 0800 432 0510. The doors are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. There are also regular drop-in sessions provided by occupational therapy and social work. A full list of drop-in sessions can be found on the Connect South Ayrshire website and you do not need to make an appointment.
Community life and leisure
Information on clubs, activity centres, swimming pools, live entertainment, community planning and more can be found on South Ayrshire Council's Leisure webpage.
Day care for older people
Day care centres offer a range of activities to older people to contribute to their well-being and welfare which assists them to continue living at home.
Day care centres can:
- assist to keep you mentally and physically active
- maintain your independence and assist in realising your potential
- offer opportunities to be part of your community and contribute to preventing social isolation
- allow you and your carer some respite
- give you the opportunity to meet people, make friends and reacquaint with others
- help you regain confidence after hospitalisation
An older person may only need day care for a short time, perhaps to regain confidence after a spell in hospital, or support may be required for a longer time.
South Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership have two day care centres:
- Overmills Day Service
- Nursery Court Day Service
We can also arrange for you to attend a day centre run by an independent / third sector service provider located in South Ayrshire. The choice is yours to make.
How to access day care for older people
Access to day care follows an assessment by a Social Worker. Contact social work, our staff are always happy to help.