Performance and Audit Committee - 14 May 2021

1. Apologies for Absence
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minute of Previous Meeting
Minute of the meeting of the Performance & Audit Committee held on 5th March 2021 for approval by the Committee (PDF, 150 KB)
4. Matters Arising
Matters arising from previous meetings of the Performance & Audit Committee (PDF, 12 KB)
5. Annual Report 2020-21
Report by Chief Internal Auditor to present the Annual Report 2020-21 to the Committee (PDF, 197 KB)
6. Audit Plan 2021-22
7. Sexual Exploitation Strategy
Report to provide the Committee with an update in the Sexual Exploitation Strategy (PDF, 144 KB)
8. Digital Strategy
Report to present an update on the HSCP Digital Strategy to the Committee (PDF, 145 KB)
9. MSG Action Plan
Report to provide the Committee with an update on the MSG Action Plan (PDF, 127 KB)
10. Strategic Plan
11. Performance and Audit Committee: role and purpose
Item to discuss the role of the Performance and Audit Committee following IJB governance review (verbal update and presentation).
12.Any Other Business
13. Date of Next Meeting
20th August 2021 at 10am, MS Teams