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Integration Joint Board (IJB) - 11 September 2024

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1. Welcome/ Apologies/ Membership updates

2. Declarations of Interest


3. Minute of Previous Meeting - 12th June 2024 

IJB Minute - 12th June 2024 (PDF) [237KB] (opens new window)

4. Chief Officer's Update 

Chief Officer's Update (PDF) [149KB] (opens new window)

5. Matters Arising

Approve reports from Integration Joint Board Meeting on 12th June 2024.

Summary briefing from other Governance Meetings (if available/relevant)


Items for Agreement

6. Integration Joint Board Annual Performance Report 2023-24 

Integration Joint Board Annual Performance Report 2023 - 2024 (PDF) [194KB] (opens new window)
Appendix 1 - Annual Performance Report 2023-24 (PDF) [4MB] (opens new window)
Appendix 2 - Draft Summary Annual Performance Report 2023-24 (PDF) [876KB] (opens new window)

7. Budget Monitoring Period 3 (as at 30th June 2024)

Budget Monitoring Period 3 (as at 30th June 2024) (PDF) [443KB] (opens new window)

8. Children's Social Care Pay Uplift 2024-25

Children's Social Care Pay Uplift 2024-25 (PDF) [268KB] (opens new window)

9. South Ayrshire IJB Audited Annual Accounts 2023-24 

South Ayrshire IJB Audited Annual Accounts 2023-24 (PDF) [206KB] (opens new window)
Appendix 1 - South Ayrshire IJB Annual Accounts 2023-24 (PDF) [2MB] (opens new window)
Appendix 2 - Letter of Representation (PDF) [115KB] (opens new window)

10. South Ayrshire IJB Annual Audit Report 2023-24 - Audit Scotland 

South Ayrshire IJB Annual Audit Report 2023-24 - Audit Scotland (PDF) [160KB] (opens new window)
Appendix 1 - SAIJB Annual Audit Report (PDF) [361KB] (opens new window)
Appendix 2 - Completion letter with proposed Independent Auditors Report and ISA580 (Letter of Representation) (PDF) [173KB] (opens new window)

11. Proposals for HSCP Administration Services Restructure 

To follow

12. Update on Locality Working in Ayr North 

Update on Locality Working in Ayr North (PDF) [230KB] (opens new window)

13. Locality Plans (Girvan/Maybole, Ayr North/South, Prestwick)

Locality Plans (PDF) [146KB] (opens new window)
Appendix 1 - Girvan Locality Plans (PDF) [1MB] (opens new window)

14. Governance Meeting Dates 2025-26 

Governance Meeting Dates 2025-26 (PDF) [182KB] (opens new window)

For information to IJB

15. Update on "The Promise" 

Update on The Promise (PDF) [810KB] (opens new window)

16. Audit Scotland Report on IJB's Finance and Performance 2024 (sector - wide report)

Audit Scotland Report on IJB's Finance and Performance 2024 (sector - wide report) (PDF) [173KB] (opens new window)
Appendix 1 - Audit Scotland - IJB's Finance and Performance 2024 (PDF) [1MB] (opens new window)

17. NHS Ayrshire and Arran Delivery Plan 2024 -25

NHS Ayrshire and Arran Delivery Plan 2024 -25 (PDF) [948KB] (opens new window)

18. Whistleblowing Annual and Quarter 1 Report 

Whistleblowing Annual Report 2023-24 (PDF) [143KB] (opens new window)
Appendix 1 - Whistleblowing Annual Report 2023-24 (PDF) [756KB] (opens new window)
Whistleblowing Report - Quarter 1, April - 30 June 2024 (PDF) [187KB] (opens new window)

Items for noting 

19.  Minutes for noting:

Performance and Audit Committe - 28th May 2024 (approved at PAC on 6th August 2024)

PAC Minute - 28th May 2024 (PDF) [243KB] (opens new window)

Date of Next Meeting: - Wednesday 9th October 2024 



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