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Our Governance

The Integration Joint Board (IJB) is a separate legal entity in its own right which is responsible for planning and overseeing the delivery of community health, social work and social care services in South Ayrshire.

The Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014 (the 'Act') required Local Authorities and Health Boards to jointly prepare an Integration Scheme, which sets out how Health and Social Care Integration is to be planned, delivered and monitored within their local area.

NHS Ayrshire and Arran and South Ayrshire Council are working together, through the Integration Joint Board, as a Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP).

Our IJB has delegated responsibilities by South Ayrshire Council and NHS Ayrshire and Arran. Our Integration Scheme describes our responsibilities. The Integration Joint Board directs the Council and Health Board to deliver community health and social care services in line with its Strategic Plan.

The South Ayrshire Integration Joint Board also has responsibility for some services that are delivered across the entire Ayrshire and Arran Health Board area. These are known as 'Lead Partnership' arrangements.

The IJB is supported by two sub-committees; a Strategic Planning Advisory Group and a Performance and Audit Committee. Minutes of each meeting are produced and can be viewed, along with the papers submitted to the IJB.

IJB membership reflects the multi-agency partnership working approach. South Ayrshire Integration Joint Board has wide representation including four Elected Members from South Ayrshire Council, four non-Executive Directors from NHS Ayrshire and Arran, employee and Union representation, carers and people who use our services, medical and clinical professionals, social work professionals and representation from third and independent sectors.

A list of our members can be found here.

The IJB would like to welcome any residents of South Ayrshire who wish to listen into these meetings. If you wish to watch the IJB meeting via Microsoft Teams, please email and a link to join the meeting will be sent to you.

Please note: In line with governance procedures in place for all IJB meetings, attendance will be for observation only, microphones will be disabled for all those who request to join through the above email request. Any participants whose presence or conduct is impeding the work or proceedings may be removed from the meeting at any time. External participants may also be excluded from certain discussions which are of a sensitive nature. No photography or video should be taken of the meeting at any time.

South Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership is committed to accessibility and ensuring our content is as accessible as possible for all. Improvements continue to be made across IJB and its Committee papers to ensure access to all and adherence to accessibility standards. If you have a further accessibility query for a particular document and / or requests for content in alternative formats please email

A Governance Handbook has been produced which sets out in detail the governance arrangements in South Ayrshire. This was agreed at the IJB on 12th February 2025 and can be viewed here.


Integration Joint Board Governance