Strategic Planning Advisory Group (SPAG) - 23 February 2022

1. Apologies for Absence
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minute of Previous Meeting - for approval
Items for discussion
4. Locality Planning Partnership Update
Standing item to provide the SPAG with an update from the Locality Planning Groups (PDF, 724 KB)(opens new window)
5. South Ayrshire Parenting Promise
Appendix 1 (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
Appendix 2 (PDF, 176 KB)(opens new window)
Appendix 3 (PDF, 202 KB)(opens new window)
6. Workforce Pressures
7. Learning Disability Strategy
8. Homelessness Consultation
9. National Policy Update: National Care Service and Audit Scotland Briefing
10. Any Other Business
11. Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 22nd March 2022 at 2pm