Integration Joint Board (IJB) - 15 March 2023

1. Welcome and apologies for absence
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minutes of Previous Meeting - 15th February 2023
3. 2023 02 15 - IJB Minute (PDF, 222 KB)(opens new window)
4. Matters Arising/Action Log
5. Chief Officer's Update Report
5. Chief Officer's Update Report (PDF, 184 KB)(opens new window)
5. 8th March 2023 - IJB Workshop (PDF, 4 MB)(opens new window)
6. Summary briefing from other Governance Meetings (if available/relevant)
Not relevant for this meeting
Items for Agreement
7. Transitions
7. Transitions (PDF, 156 KB)(opens new window)
7. Transitions Development work in Learning Disability Services (PDF, 433 KB)
7. Appendix 1 - Young People in Transition Protocol 2022 - 2026 (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
7. Appendix 2 - Planning on Moving On (PDF, 494 KB)(opens new window)
7. Appendix 3 - South Ayrshire Adult Learning Disability Strategy (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
8. IJB Budget 2023 - 24
8. IJB Budget 23-24 (PDF, 411 KB)(opens new window)
Appendix 1 - Directions IJB Budget 2023 - 24 (PDF, 133 KB)(opens new window)
Appendix 2 - SAJIB Budget 2023 - 24 Equality Impact Assessment (PDF, 214 KB)(opens new window)
Any Other Business
Date of Next Meeting: - Wednesday 17th May 2023